Unnecessary cost drivers increase rates without providing policy holders benefit.

FAIR Foundation Actions

Educate insurance consumers about the seriousness of committing insurance fraud, and how to spot and avoid falling victim to an insurance fraud scheme themselves.
Advocate for increased investment in mitigation and resilient infrastructure to reduce the cost of insurance and post-disaster repairs.

FAIR Actions

Combat Fraud- Enhance state enforcement funding and provide tools to better combat property insurance fraud to curtail the use of Assignment of Benefits.

  • Learn more about reporting fraud here.

Reduce Expensive Litigation- Encourage the use of appraisal to resolve claims disputes. Remove incentives to file lawsuits just to collect legal fees.
Support policy that increases investment and incentives in mitigation and resilient infrastructure.
Reduce Loss Exposures

Reduce Loss Exposures
Promote Robust Competitive Markets

Promote Robust Competitive Markets
Educate Insurance Consumers

Educate Insurance Consumers
Reduce Uninsured Risk

Reduce Uninsured Risk

Eliminate Unnecessary Cost Drivers

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