The FAIR Foundation and FAIR work to educate insurance consumers because education is knowledge. Greater knowledge leads to better decisions.

FAIR Foundation Actions

Wind Mitigation Savings Calculator- Online Tool for Homeowners to Calculate Potential Insurance Savings Based on Home Hardening
Annual Industry Conference – FAIR Foundation hosts an annual industry conference to bring together leaders to propose policy solutions & educate the public. Learn more here.
Educate the public and policymakers about disaster preparedness, mitigation, the importance of flood insurance, and effective related public policy.

FAIR Actions

Educate the public and policymakers about the insurance market and support balanced public policy that provides consumers with quality coverage for an affordable.
Reduce Loss Exposures

Reduce Loss Exposures
Promote Robust Competitive Markets

Promote Robust Competitive Markets
Educate Insurance Consumers

Educate Insurance Consumers
Reduce Uninsured Risk

Reduce Uninsured Risk

Eliminate Unnecessary Cost Drivers

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